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Black Cloud – Kyiv Biennial 2019
326 326 Time To Talk
The 3rd Kyiv Biennial draws parallels between contemporary developments and the era-defining Chernobyl catastrophe, looking at at the legacy of the fall of socialism in the 80s and 90s and the emergence of a highly digitalised world of no alternatives.
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In the margins of Europe: Russia
150 150 Time To Talk
CCCB and CIDOB take a look at Europe from its fringes. Starting with two discussions on Russia, this series encourages reflection on the European project, adopting the perspectives of its geographic and symbolic peripheries.
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Europe: too big to fail?
150 150 Time To Talk
As the Greek and migrant questions have led to discord, borders have closed and European leaders have, at times, appeared unable to come to a common accord, leading some to talk of the European Union's impedending collapse. De Balie ask Ivan Krastev and Paul Scheffer how much substance this talk has and where the EU should go from here.
Watch the video of the debate!
The next reset? The West and Russia between the Crimea and ISIS
150 150 Time To Talk
As geopolitical interests converge, Russia has been begrudgingly accepted back into the international fold. But what of the forgotten shadow war in Eastern Europe? Could conflict in the Middle East and its knock on effect in terms of immigration to Europe lead to a favourable compromise for Russia in the Donbass region and the Crimea?
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Towards a new Europe?
326 326 Time To Talk
On the 8th February 2016, Talk Real hosted a special webshow, featuring Lorenzo Marsili, Marisa Matias, Valentina Orazzini, Sławomir Sierakowski and Yanis Varoufakis. On the eve of DiEM 25's launch, this debate looked at European fragmentation and chances for a new Europe.
Watch the video of the debate!
The limits of European solidarity: has Europe forgotten Ukraine and Greece?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the wake of the Paris attacks and the migrant crisis, The Red House asks where the limits of European solidarity lie. Do we lack solidarity or are we overwhelmed by conflicting solidarities? And, now that we've moved on to the next crises, are we really still interested in the fates of Ukraine and Greece?
Watch the video highlights!
The CEF 2015 – Everyone is lying
326 326 Time To Talk
The seventh installment of the Central European Forum looked at disinformation and the way that its seeming infiltration of reporting is affecting the way we perceive the world around us. A weekend looking at propaganda, memory, media manipulation, Russia and the West.
Watch the recordings!
What does Europe want?
326 326 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna welcome Slavoj Žižek to Warsaw as they ask - what does Europe want? A discussion between the well-known Slovenian academician and cultural critic and Krytyka Polityczna's very own political commentator, Sławomir Sierakowski.
Watch the recording!
The Central European Forum, 2014 – Us and Them
326 326 Time To Talk
2014's CEF focussed on the concept of "us and them", on 25 years of post-communism in the former Eastern bloc and on emerging societal divisions. Participants came together to discuss a quarter century of freedom and the challenges our societies have to face as we look to the future.
Watch the recordings!
Europe and the crisis in the Ukrainian Republic
150 150 Time To Talk
The recent crisis has highlighted the conflict of interests caused by Russian resurgence and the EU's expansion in the East. In the run-up to the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, deBuren asked if the EU can guarentee stability and what, if any, meaning international treaties retain in lieu of the means and will to reinforce them.
Watch the video highlights!
Ukraine: Thinking Together
326 326 Time To Talk
Ukraine: Thinking Together looked back at the last six months in the Ukraine, the historical origins of recent events, how these happenings fit into European traditions of protest and what lessons can be drawn from Yanukovych's downfall and all that has transpired since then. See the lectures!
People of Europe, rise up (3)! We are the people!
584 389 Time To Talk
Southern Europe is feeling the pinch of austerity measures enforced from above and society appears to be becoming dominated by increasingly well connected financial elites. There are, however, new organisations emerging which show potential solutions to our developing socio-economic concerns.
[video highlights] 
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