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Times of resistance
326 326 Time To Talk
Belgrade's CZKd hosted an international meeting on the regression of democracy in Europe. With representatives of recent social movements and protests, this meeting looked at the methods, ideas, programmes, experiences, chances and obstacles in the fight to build a stronger front for democracy.
Watch the debate videos!
Erdoğan – the new father of Turkey?
150 150 Time To Talk
De Balie look at Erdoğan's rise to power and discuss Turkey's future under his leadership after a year full of turmoil. In the midst of regional conflict, is Turkey now on its way to becoming a dictatorship or is Erdoğan the new father of the people and a figure of stability in troubled times?
Watch the video of the debate!
Democracy in Europe: Hungary
150 150 Time To Talk
De Balie start the new year and their Democracy in Europe series by looking at Hungary. With, amongst others, the Princeton scholar Kim Lane Scheppele, they analyse recent anti-democratic developments in Hungary and ask what lessons can be learnt from these developments in other European states.
Watch the recording!
Battle of Ideas 2016: free speech allowed
325 325 Time To Talk
This year's Battle of Ideas focuses on free speech, but looks at a myriad of different areas from Brexit and Trump through to coups in Brazil and Turkey and tensions in and with Eastern Europe. Join 400-plus speakers in London's Barbican for a debating festival of considerable breadth, which demands that its audiences challenge and be challenged!
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The state of Turkey
150 150 Time To Talk
Turkey is a state of global scale and of utmost importance for Europe and the Middle East, but what do we actually know about the Turkish state, its evolution and society? A discussion with Turkish authors and political commentators on how the modern state of Turkey came about and what its population on both sides of the main current political divides thinks.
Listen to the recording!
Turkey beyond the headlines
150 150 Time To Talk
With Turkey seemingly never far from the headlines, Index editor Rachael Jolley talks to Kaya Genç about his new book and Turkey's social, historical and geographical dividing lines. Join us as we delve into Turkey and look to find out more about people's concerns within the country
Listen to the recording!
Illiberal democracy: the future of freedom
150 150 Time To Talk
While many refugees fled to Europe in 2015, seeking sanctuary within its liberal democracies, many of these same democracies today find themselves in decline, with one of their head's openly speaking of his desire to create an "illiberal state". How has this situation come about, what can we do about it and what does Europe stand for nowadays?
Watch the video highlights!
The next reset? The West and Russia between the Crimea and ISIS
150 150 Time To Talk
As geopolitical interests converge, Russia has been begrudgingly accepted back into the international fold. But what of the forgotten shadow war in Eastern Europe? Could conflict in the Middle East and its knock on effect in terms of immigration to Europe lead to a favourable compromise for Russia in the Donbass region and the Crimea?
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The perception of the judiciary and the relationship between the rule of law and social insecurities
150 150 Time To Talk
Depo looks at Turkey's judiciary and how it is generally perceived within Turkey, with Suavi Aydın and Berke Özenç assessing the impact these perceptions have upon social confidence and the ways in which people in Turkey lead their lives.
Watch the video highlights!
Social insecurities and security politics
326 326 Time To Talk
Depo looks at Turkey's security politics, taking in their origin, consolidation and present development: how much do people trust their institutions and what impact do these levels of trust have upon how confident people in Turkey feel in their everyday lives?
Watch the video highlights!
How non-members see the EU
326 326 Time To Talk
What sort of prospects does European Union membership still have to offer, are countries on the European fringe still casting envious glances in our direction or are they starting to look elsewhere? Representatives from Switzerland and Turkey discuss their countries changing attitudes to the EU.
Watch the video highlights!
Igor Štiks‘ keynote speech & Overviews of the turmoil
150 150 Time To Talk

About the recording: All around Europe large movements have emerged. Why is this happening and in which political contexts? This recording features analysis and critical views on several of the most recent civil protests in Europe. Speakers: Özge Çelikaslan –, Istanbul Filip Jovanovski – FRU Faculty of Things That Can’t Be Learned, Skopje Igor Štiks – Author and Scholar…