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Reading Orwell today: on freedom & the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear
150 150 Time To Talk
Books such as Animal Farm and 1984 are known worldwide, but what is George Orwell's relevance today, how prescient were his predictions, how do his writings inform us about our own situations and what impact has his work had posthumously?
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Is Stalin still with us, why are we still talking about Stalin and Stalinism today?
150 150 Time To Talk
The Sakharov Centre investigates the validity of continuing to discuss Stalin and the crimes of the past in present day Russia, asking whether doing so improves awareness and thus the contemporary situation or merely draws attention to bad examples from a past, which people should be allowed to forget?
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Truth and Love
326 326 Time To Talk
In a time of European crisis the Central European Forum looks at the work of Václav Havel and aks where the rising tide of hatred in our societies is coming from, what role aggressive modern variants of populism are playing in this process and how we can stay true to the core values of love and truth.
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