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What kind of integration do we need?
150 150 Time To Talk
Following the eviction of a family activists looked to improve the integration and conditions of Roma living in Poland. One measure adopted was a series of workshops, which promoted co-operation between the stakeholders involved. On the conclusion of these workshops, Krytyka Polityczna brought state, civil society and local Roma together to discuss their outcomes, resulting in this debate.
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Truth and Love
326 326 Time To Talk
In a time of European crisis the Central European Forum looks at the work of Václav Havel and aks where the rising tide of hatred in our societies is coming from, what role aggressive modern variants of populism are playing in this process and how we can stay true to the core values of love and truth.
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The political exclusion of the Roma: from Katunitsa to Paris
1024 682 Time To Talk
What has been the aftermath of Katunitsa and are we likely to see a repeat of the anti-Roma riots and right wing propaganda, which we saw in the 2011 elections, again in 2013? Will these racial outbursts be properly challenged by the responsible authorities and how can reintegrate the Roma into the political process?
[video highlights]
Does today’s youth see in black and white: where does xenophobia come from?
326 326 Time To Talk
What is the attitude of today's youth towards skin colour, how do they perceive racism? How do they feel for example in regard to Roma and the general hostility towards them which exists in many Eastern European countries? Agora debates xenophobia and its perception by today's youth.
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