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Democracy and nationalism
150 150 Time To Talk
The CCCB welcomes Liah Greenfeld to Barcelona for a discussion about the relationship between the consolidation of nations, the governance of peoples and the good functioning of democracy. What influence has nationalism had on the development of modern states and does it still have a role to play in a globalised world?
Watch the video of the debate!
The state of Turkey
150 150 Time To Talk
Turkey is a state of global scale and of utmost importance for Europe and the Middle East, but what do we actually know about the Turkish state, its evolution and society? A discussion with Turkish authors and political commentators on how the modern state of Turkey came about and what its population on both sides of the main current political divides thinks.
Listen to the recording!
What’s the taboo?
326 326 Time To Talk
Every society has its own taboos. In some countries their discussion is legally restricted, in others merely disapproved of. From menstruation to religion, censorship and tradition affect what we are able to and what we want to discuss. Listen to Index as they break taboos and discuss the unacceptable, looking at how this varies depending on where and who we are.
Listen to the recording!
Who are we? Identity politics dissected
150 150 Time To Talk

On Sunday the 23rd October, the Institute of Ideas and the Times Higher Education held a debate on identity, looking what role the categorisation of people plays in self-identification, society and debate. Topic / Speakers / Battle of Ideas 2016 About the debate: Over recent decades, identity politics has become ubiquitous. The content of what one says, the convictions one articulates,…