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Democracy under siege
150 150 Time To Talk
What is the biggest threat to democracy: the rising tide of populism or the creeping onset of technocracy? This Battle of Ideas debate looks at deteriorating faith in democracy and the threat from both authoritarian and bureaucratic challenges, asking how we can revitalise Western democracy.
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Understanding the populist turn: 10 lessons on populism
326 326 Time To Talk
With a cast of activists, researchers and academics, this debate focuses on the ways in which people have taken decisive action against populism, looking at cases in Hungary and Switzerland and discussing proposals for building successful opposition & alternatives to populist movements.
Watch the video highlights!
Understanding the populist turn: populism, an east-west divide?
326 326 Time To Talk
Ulrike Guérot, Jan-Werner Müller & Sławomir Sierakowski discuss populism's continued rise. This debate focuses on Europe's so-called east-west divide, analysing the different forms that populism takes throughout the continent and the socio-political factors behind such.
Watch the video highlights!
Is there a culture war against populism?
150 150 Time To Talk
What are populists and why do some populists get tarred with the populist brush while others receive a more enthusiastic reception? Are populist movements morbid symptoms of a dying political order or the first signs of a democratic renewal? And, should we celebrate rather than criticise their efforts to overturn our top-down systems?
Watch the video highlights!
Battle of Ideas 2016: what is the truth about “post-factual politics”?
150 150 Time To Talk

On Sunday the 23rd October 2016, the Institute of Ideas and Newsweek held a debate on “post-factual politics”, asking what is the future of experts and whether their prominence doesn’t often remove some of the democratic accountability of decision-making. This debate formed part of the 2016 edition of the Battle of Ideas debates festival, which you can find more information…

Is there a culture war on populism?
Live stream – Saturday – 10:00 GMT!
150 150 Time To Talk

Join Frank Furedi (Sociologist, Social Commentator & Author), David Goodhart (Journalist, Author & Head of Demography at Policy Exchange) and Elif Shafak (Political Commentator & award-winning Novelist) for a debate on what populism is and why some populisms are more equal than others. Should we understand the rise of populism as a challenge to our elites’ top-down values or a…