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People’s populism versus democracy of the elites?
326 326 Time To Talk
Frank Furedi and Ivan Krastev speak in a Red House debate which asks whether populism can be considered to be a sign of radical democratic renewal, an indication of under pressure elites' mistrust in their populaces or as a description of a wide-range of approaches to politics which adopt simplistic false dualities.
Watch the video highlights!
Good populism, bad populism?
150 150 Time To Talk
Populism is the word on everyone's lips, be it for describing Brexit, Trump or the AfD, but what about left wing parties like Podemos & SYRIZA and politicians like Macron and the many mainstream copycat proponents of "a new direction"? What is populism & why do some populisms get better press than others?
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The end of a post-revolutionary utopia. A Central European view
150 150 Time To Talk
Pavel Barša speaks at The Red House on the post-communist transition in Central Europe and why the end of totalitarian regimes in the region has coincided with a rise in support for illiberal and populist politics on both sides of the former Iron Curtain.
Watch the video highlights!
Is there a culture war against populism?
150 150 Time To Talk
What are populists and why do some populists get tarred with the populist brush while others receive a more enthusiastic reception? Are populist movements morbid symptoms of a dying political order or the first signs of a democratic renewal? And, should we celebrate rather than criticise their efforts to overturn our top-down systems?
Watch the video highlights!
A crisis of liberalism? A conversation with Ognyan Minchev
150 150 Time To Talk
Why are European voters turning away from the traditional political representatives of mainstream liberalism? And, what has led some of the former Eastern bloc's foremost proponents of liberal democracy to start taking a more critical stance on the EU and European elites?
Watch the video highlights!
The virtues of dissent
326 326 Time To Talk
Philippe Narval speaks to Heide Schmidt about her journey from the FPÖ to the NEOS, about how to define populism and what we can and should do to counteract its more negative manifestations.
Watch the video highlights!
How Trump might save the EU
150 150 Time To Talk
Starting off with an unusual proposal, De Balie look at the fate of Europe in a blockbuster election year with Ivan Krastev and Luiza Bialasiewicz. How could the Trump effect save us from our own new right and where will the EU stand at the end of 2017?
Watch the video of the debate!
chiraljon cc-by-2.0.
Brexit: a victory for democracy or fact-free politics?
669 669 Time To Talk
Populism, post-factual politics or taking back control? de Buren and the Institute of Ideas look at the conduct and the conclusion of the Brexit referendum in this Battle of Ideas satellite debate, asking whether the British people have got what they want or been sold down the river and what it all means for the future of democracy.
Listen to the recording!
The crisis of the European Union – limits, values & alternatives
150 150 Time To Talk

Are European values experiencing a crisis? Depo take a look at the EU crisis from a Turkish perspective, relating it to a global transition and investigating what sort of forms this takes in Europe and how it affects relationships between states, regions and social classes.
Watch the video highlights!

Free speech now? How much freedom of expression can we tolerate?
150 150 Time To Talk
Satirists and populists both employ deliberately offensive phraseology to make their points, but, while the efforts of the one group are often extolled, those of the other come in for consistent criticism. What really differentiates the two approaches and where should we draw the line?
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Does migration intensify distrust in institutions?
150 150 Time To Talk
How do migration and institutional mistrust relate to one another? As we see a new wave of populism feed on and promote fears of migration, then grow large on the backs of the distrust it has sewn, The Red House looks to untangle the many woven threads linking populism, migration and institutional mistrust. Watch the video highlights!
(at) Home in Europe
326 326 Time To Talk
What is European identity, where is it located and for what reasons do we as Europeans feel at home? We often consider ourselves to be of specific regional and national backgrounds, but, upon analysis, how realistic exactly are these identities in the modern pluralistic world we live in?
Watch the video highlights!