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The Hungarian far right in light of the election results
150 150 Time To Talk
How has far right thought made it from the margins to the centre of Hungarian politics in the space of ten short years? In the light of the recent elections, the Kreisky Forum invited Péter Krekó to come to Vienna to speak on the radical right in Hungary.
Listen to the recording!
Alien media in Poland
150 150 Time To Talk
This Poland for Beginner's debate takes a look at expatriate and minority media in Poland, asking how much of a voice diasporas and their media have in Polish society. Are they excluded from the official picture of the country or increasingly becoming part of the way it is understood at home and abroad.
Watch the video of the debate!
Shoot the messenger. A look at trust and distrust in the media.
326 326 Time To Talk
What impact has the emergence of new online media alternatives had on public perceptions of traditional media outlets? Coolpolitics looked at public perceptions of both new and old media and investigated the role of trust in the changing landscapes of modern journalism.
Watch the video highlights!
Does today’s youth see in black and white: where does xenophobia come from?
326 326 Time To Talk
What is the attitude of today's youth towards skin colour, how do they perceive racism? How do they feel for example in regard to Roma and the general hostility towards them which exists in many Eastern European countries? Agora debates xenophobia and its perception by today's youth.
Watch the video highlights!