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Europe: from hope to disaffection. A Mediterranean view
150 150 Time To Talk
In a day of seminars, the CCCB & the British Academy look at the shift in perceptions of the EU from the perspective of Southern Europe, tracing how the European project has gone from being greeted as a positive development to having increasingly negative associations.
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Times of resistance
326 326 Time To Talk
Belgrade's CZKd hosted an international meeting on the regression of democracy in Europe. With representatives of recent social movements and protests, this meeting looked at the methods, ideas, programmes, experiences, chances and obstacles in the fight to build a stronger front for democracy.
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Do we need economic growth?
150 150 Time To Talk
Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008, there has been much talk about our economic models, with the pre-crisis prioritisation of growth coming into disrepute. This Freiblick debate asks whether we still need economic growth and what the positive arguments for its continued retention would be.
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The limits of European solidarity: has Europe forgotten Ukraine and Greece?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the wake of the Paris attacks and the migrant crisis, The Red House asks where the limits of European solidarity lie. Do we lack solidarity or are we overwhelmed by conflicting solidarities? And, now that we've moved on to the next crises, are we really still interested in the fates of Ukraine and Greece?
Watch the video highlights!
Futures: poetry of the Greek crisis
150 150 Time To Talk
Free Word and Penned in the Margins show us the Greek crisis from another perspective, introducing us to the voices of a new generation of Greek poets, whose talents have developed and been inspired by the turbulent events around them.
Listen to the recording!
Whose solidarity, whose egoism?
1024 582 Time To Talk
How exactly did the Southern European states acquire such massive debts and what is the best way of resurrecting their economies? Should we opt for European solidarity and move closer together to protect our combined assets or is it time that a lesson was learnt about the consequences of overspending?
[video highlights]