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Understanding the populist turn: 10 lessons on populism
326 326 Time To Talk
With a cast of activists, researchers and academics, this debate focuses on the ways in which people have taken decisive action against populism, looking at cases in Hungary and Switzerland and discussing proposals for building successful opposition & alternatives to populist movements.
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The Hungarian far right in light of the election results
150 150 Time To Talk
How has far right thought made it from the margins to the centre of Hungarian politics in the space of ten short years? In the light of the recent elections, the Kreisky Forum invited Péter Krekó to come to Vienna to speak on the radical right in Hungary.
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Democracy in Europe: Hungary
150 150 Time To Talk
De Balie start the new year and their Democracy in Europe series by looking at Hungary. With, amongst others, the Princeton scholar Kim Lane Scheppele, they analyse recent anti-democratic developments in Hungary and ask what lessons can be learnt from these developments in other European states.
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Illiberal democracy: the future of freedom
150 150 Time To Talk
While many refugees fled to Europe in 2015, seeking sanctuary within its liberal democracies, many of these same democracies today find themselves in decline, with one of their head's openly speaking of his desire to create an "illiberal state". How has this situation come about, what can we do about it and what does Europe stand for nowadays?
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Free speech in Central Europe: where are the boundaries?
150 150 Time To Talk
Project Forum look at free speech in Central Europe and the very different scenarios in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. A discussion about the slow and legal process of bringing a country's media scene under state control and the free speech/hate speech dilemma in a time of right wing revival.
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Europe: too big to fail?
150 150 Time To Talk
As the Greek and migrant questions have led to discord, borders have closed and European leaders have, at times, appeared unable to come to a common accord, leading some to talk of the European Union's impedending collapse. De Balie ask Ivan Krastev and Paul Scheffer how much substance this talk has and where the EU should go from here.
Watch the video of the debate!