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Is solidarity in Europe fading?
150 150 Time To Talk
The nationalist right is on the up and negative headlines make the running, and yet, polls show that support for the EU is recovering and spontaneous displays of consensus in matters such as the Charlie Hebdo assassinations bear witness to our continued ability to empathise and to work together. How then to reconcile these seeming contradictions, is solidarity fading or are we merely witnessing a series of fraternal disputes?
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The Eurozone crisis – a Keynesian response
326 326 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna invited Warwick Professor, Robert Skidelsky, to apply his knowledge - built on a specialisation in Keynesian economics - to the present problems within the Eurozone and to propose solutions to our growth crises and the rising debt mountain.
Listen to the recording!
Will the EU be the death of democracy?
326 326 Time To Talk
With the bureaucratic dominance of EU institutions and during the appointment of a rash of technocrats throughout Europe, the question is being asked, is the EU model potentially a precursor to the death of European democracy? The Academy of Ideas contemplates how this can be resolved going forward.
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