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European values

Can European values be bought with EU funds?
150 150 Time To Talk
As the European Commission proposes cutting funding for countries deemed not to have respected the rule of law, The Red House looks at the relationship between EU funds, the European integration process and the promotion of European values. Should EU funding be allocated on a carrot & stick basis or would this be counterproductive?
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The Forum on European Culture: Act for Democracy!
326 326 Time To Talk
The Forum on European Culture returns to look at the role artists and thinkers have played, play and can play in Europe. What role can the arts play in helping the frame the future of Europe at this crucial juncture and how should we all act for democracy?
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European values: a threat to the Union?
150 150 Time To Talk
As the EU considers taking action against Poland for its government's interference in the judiciary, deBuren asks what future the Union has as a community of values. Is enforcement of common values a neccessity or a counterproductive approach which itself harms the Union?
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Refugees and Europe: kinepolitics – politics of movement
150 150 Time To Talk

About the recording: Migration constitutes one of humanity’s most basic instincts – the urge to go in search of new horizons. If we use the term crisis, it is appropriate to speak about the crisis of fundamental European values and the regression of the European vision in regard to the continents approach to dealing with refugees. It is inclusivity that…

Freedom of movement: shifting the paradigm – from crisis to opportunity
150 150 Time To Talk
Freedom of movement is a Red House Festival of Ideas on Europe discussion which features a lecture by Kilian Kleinschmidt with new perspectives on the so-called migrant crisis’ political aspects. Find out more by watching the video highlights on!