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People of Europe, rise up (3)! We are the people!
584 389 Time To Talk
Southern Europe is feeling the pinch of austerity measures enforced from above and society appears to be becoming dominated by increasingly well connected financial elites. There are, however, new organisations emerging which show potential solutions to our developing socio-economic concerns.
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People of Europe, rise up (2)! Deprived of dignity.
584 389 Time To Talk
Southern Europe is feeling the pinch of austerity measures enforced from above and society appears to be becoming dominated by increasingly well connected financial elites. There are, however, new organisations emerging which show potential solutions to our developing socio-economic concerns.
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People of Europe rise up (1)!
584 389 Time To Talk
Southern Europe is feeling the pinch of austerity measures enforced from above and society appears to be becoming dominated by increasingly well connected financial elites. There are, however, new organisations emerging which show potential solutions to our developing socio-economic concerns.
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The political exclusion of the Roma: from Katunitsa to Paris
1024 682 Time To Talk
What has been the aftermath of Katunitsa and are we likely to see a repeat of the anti-Roma riots and right wing propaganda, which we saw in the 2011 elections, again in 2013? Will these racial outbursts be properly challenged by the responsible authorities and how can reintegrate the Roma into the political process?
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Whose solidarity, whose egoism?
1024 582 Time To Talk
How exactly did the Southern European states acquire such massive debts and what is the best way of resurrecting their economies? Should we opt for European solidarity and move closer together to protect our combined assets or is it time that a lesson was learnt about the consequences of overspending?
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Asylum: is there European solidarity?
326 326 Time To Talk
How are we to go about resolving our immigration problems: should there be a centrally organised response with European nations bearing responsibility as corresponding to say their own population mass or must this be arranged an a looser basis? Is there a European solidarity as far as asylum is concerned?
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Is Europe…boring?
326 326 Time To Talk
Europe is safe and still relatively prosperous, the largest economic unit in the world. One can travel throughout most of the continent untroubled, tourism is booming and the thought of conflict risible, however, is something missing, is Europe...boring?
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The Bulgarian nomads: what happens to Bulgarian workers in Europe?
150 150 Time To Talk
More and more Bulgarians live abroad and even more would jump at the chance were it to be offered to them. What is the reality of their time abroad and what is it that they wish to achieve: do the majority go intending to come home or do they expect it to be a one way trip?
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Riots and revolutions: Europe’s young radicals?
326 326 Time To Talk
When the Arab Spring was sparked off by youth led protests, a string of copycat demonstrations occurred throughout Europe as the previously apathetic Western youth refound its voice. As Europe's economic woes continue, the Institute of Ideas considers where this new rebelliousness may lead.
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Occupy in “European”
326 326 Time To Talk
In order to keep the memory of political occupations alight, Depot, Vienna, brings us back to Europe and takes a closer look at the European traditions of occupation as a political tool. Examples both past and present are discussed by those with personal experience of what they speak.
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A view from Spain: is this my Europe?
326 326 Time To Talk
With growing anti-Europeanism in this time of economic crisis there are signs that even traditionally pro-European countries are starting to lose their enthusiasm for the European Project. In this climate of pressure and subjectivism CIDOB looks to analyse what it means to be European in the 21st century.
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Where do we go after Orlov Most [Eagle’s Bridge]?
150 150 Time To Talk
Were the Orlov Most protests the birth of a new Bulgarian civil society, a minority protest or a one-off event? What are the consequences of Orlov Most, is a new and proactive Bulgarian society emerging or was this merely a momentary blip, after which society will, on the whole, remain much as before?
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