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Do we need economic growth?
150 150 Time To Talk
Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008, there has been much talk about our economic models, with the pre-crisis prioritisation of growth coming into disrepute. This Freiblick debate asks whether we still need economic growth and what the positive arguments for its continued retention would be.
Watch the video highlights!
Igor Štiks‘ keynote speech & Overviews of the turmoil
150 150 Time To Talk

About the recording: All around Europe large movements have emerged. Why is this happening and in which political contexts? This recording features analysis and critical views on several of the most recent civil protests in Europe. Speakers: Özge Çelikaslan –, Istanbul Filip Jovanovski – FRU Faculty of Things That Can’t Be Learned, Skopje Igor Štiks – Author and Scholar…