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The Kyiv International – ‘68 NOW
326 326 Time To Talk
The team at Kyiv's VCRC organises its second Kyiv International, inviting an international cast of speakers and artists to look at the legacy of 1968 and how the emancipatory potential of the idea of the international can be mobilised against new conflicts and constructs designed to divide us.
Watch the debate videos!
The state of Turkey
150 150 Time To Talk
Turkey is a state of global scale and of utmost importance for Europe and the Middle East, but what do we actually know about the Turkish state, its evolution and society? A discussion with Turkish authors and political commentators on how the modern state of Turkey came about and what its population on both sides of the main current political divides thinks.
Listen to the recording!
What does Europe want?
326 326 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna welcome Slavoj Žižek to Warsaw as they ask - what does Europe want? A discussion between the well-known Slovenian academician and cultural critic and Krytyka Polityczna's very own political commentator, Sławomir Sierakowski.
Watch the recording!
Europe and the crisis in the Ukrainian Republic
150 150 Time To Talk
The recent crisis has highlighted the conflict of interests caused by Russian resurgence and the EU's expansion in the East. In the run-up to the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, deBuren asked if the EU can guarentee stability and what, if any, meaning international treaties retain in lieu of the means and will to reinforce them.
Watch the video highlights!