To TalkTime To Talk
The coronavirus has had an unprecedented impact upon societies across the world. This CCCB debate looks at the possible aftermath of the pandemic, contemplating the consequences for Europe once the lockdown measures have faded and the economic crisis has kicked in. Watch the video of the debate! To TalkTime To Talk
In a day of seminars, the CCCB & the British Academy look at the shift in perceptions of the EU from the perspective of Southern Europe, tracing how the European project has gone from being greeted as a positive development to having increasingly negative associations. Watch the debate videos! To TalkTime To Talk
CCCB and CIDOB take a look at Europe from its fringes. Starting with two discussions on Russia, this series encourages reflection on the European project, adopting the perspectives of its geographic and symbolic peripheries. Watch the debate videos! To TalkTime To Talk
CCCB invites speakers to contemplate the concept of revolution from a contemporary European perspective. Is revolution still an engine of liberation for societies in the Western world or are we now at the stage where resistance can be seen as the better strategy, if we are to defend the social advances of the last century? Watch the video highlights! To TalkTime To Talk
The CCCB welcomes Liah Greenfeld to Barcelona for a discussion about the relationship between the consolidation of nations, the governance of peoples and the good functioning of democracy. What influence has nationalism had on the development of modern states and does it still have a role to play in a globalised world? Watch the video of the debate! To TalkTime To Talk
Books such as Animal Farm and 1984 are known worldwide, but what is George Orwell's relevance today, how prescient were his predictions, how do his writings inform us about our own situations and what impact has his work had posthumously? Watch the video highlights! To TalkTime To Talk
The CCCB hosts Professor Charles Taylor on the occasion of A Secular Age's translation into Spanish. A discussion about the diversification of spiritual inclinations in the Western world, how Western states are approaching this new pluralism and the pros and contras of their various approaches. Watch the video highlights! To TalkTime To Talk
Angela Davis is a political activist and professor emeritus of philosophy. Known for her work for human rights and her opposition to racial discrimination, this lecture saw her discuss the meaning of revolution in our times. This discussion forms part of the CCCB’s Revolution or resistance? discussion series. Click here to find out more about the CCCB & other discussions… To TalkTime To Talk
In Revolution or resistance? Idea, word and action, the internationally acclaimed writer and activist, Arundhati Roy, discussed her work on anti-capitalism and Kashmir and the recent publication of her new novel, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. English-language video highlights of this debate are being produced and will appear on in the near future. To find out when this and…