TTT debates

We have a right to know!
150 150 Time To Talk
Krytyka Polityczna looked at how to ensure access to the information we require, in order to be able to see what is really going on within our communities. In a workshop discussion with the Bone Fides Foundation, those in attendance were able to find out what rights Polish citizens have and how they can look to exercise them. Watch the video highlights!
Coercion, prestige or privilege? On the social significance of work in contemporary capitalism
150 99 Time To Talk
We hear a lot about work-life balance, but what about a work-work balance? How come many people are now working more and more hours, while so many others remain unemployed? It's time to talk about work: its distribution and its qualification. Join Krytyka on the 22nd September for a debate about the social significance of employment.
Watch the video highlights!
I hate politics! On people’s cynicism and the dissolution of trust
150 150 Time To Talk
On September 18th, Kultura Liberalna looked at that most important of societal bonds - trust. What has been the communal impact of the economic crises on our interpersonal relationships and how much faith is still left in those responsible for running our societies?
Watch the video highlights!
What kind of integration do we need?
150 150 Time To Talk
Following the eviction of a family activists looked to improve the integration and conditions of Roma living in Poland. One measure adopted was a series of workshops, which promoted co-operation between the stakeholders involved. On the conclusion of these workshops, Krytyka Polityczna brought state, civil society and local Roma together to discuss their outcomes, resulting in this debate.
Watch the video highlights!
Everything you wanted to know about the Maidan, but were too afraid to ask
150 150 Time To Talk
On the 3rd September, members of the Ukranian editorial board of Krytyka Polityczna and representatives of Kyiv's Visual Culture Research Centre came together to discuss the origins and motivations of the participants in 2013-14's Euromaidan. Answering those questions you haven't felt able to ask, Wednesday's speakers looked to fill the Warsaw audience in on the background to the protests. Watch the video highlights!
Lost in transition
120 81 Time To Talk
From the 28th-31st August, activists from across the region came together to discuss the concept of Central Eastern Europe, its development in the last twenty-five years and the actions, which they and their groups could look at undertaking to further improve the region - a meeting about regional characteristics, transition and the end of post-communism.
Watch the video highlights!
The perception of the judiciary and the relationship between the rule of law and social insecurities
150 150 Time To Talk
Depo looks at Turkey's judiciary and how it is generally perceived within Turkey, with Suavi Aydın and Berke Özenç assessing the impact these perceptions have upon social confidence and the ways in which people in Turkey lead their lives.
Watch the video highlights!
Ukraine: Thinking Together
326 326 Time To Talk
Ukraine: Thinking Together looked back at the last six months in the Ukraine, the historical origins of recent events, how these happenings fit into European traditions of protest and what lessons can be drawn from Yanukovych's downfall and all that has transpired since then. See the lectures!
Trust and new technology
150 150 Time To Talk
With online media increasingly playing a role in both our professional and social lives, Free Word invited a young audience to take a look at the role which surveillance has to play in our online interactions. What do young Brits think about state surveillance, privacy and the choices we all make about sharing our personal data online?
Watch the video highlights!
326 326 Time To Talk
Through the promotion of a global civic society which welcomes youth participation, Coolpolitics aims to create innovative projects for new forms of citizenship. Coolpolitics particularly distinguishes itself by engaging with young members of society at the venues and locations where they are already active.
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The power of trust
326 326 Time To Talk
What has been the impact of our 24 hour lifestyle upon the development of modern science and politics? Coolpolitics look at our fading trust for all things official and ask if the question doesn't perhaps lie in the pressure for results which we put upon our public figures.
Watch the video highlights!
Shoot the messenger. A look at trust and distrust in the media.
326 326 Time To Talk
What impact has the emergence of new online media alternatives had on public perceptions of traditional media outlets? Coolpolitics looked at public perceptions of both new and old media and investigated the role of trust in the changing landscapes of modern journalism.
Watch the video highlights!