Robert Menasse is an Austrian writer, literary critic, political commentator and translator. After studying in Vienna, Salzburg and Messina he spent eight years in Brazil, teaching Austrian literature and literary theory at the University of São Paulo. Since 1988 he has lived in Vienna, mainly writing novels and essays, but also children’s books and opinion pieces on political and cultural developments in Austria.
Robert’s works include the trilogy Wings of Stone, Meaningful Certainty, and Reverse Thrust, the novels Expulsion from Hell and Don Juan de la Mancha.
Between March 2010 and the end of 2012, he commuted between Vienna and Brussels, intending to write a novel about life amidst the EU’s bureaucrats, but instead he ended up writing an ode to Europe Der europäische Landbote. Die Wut der Bürger und der Friede Europas [The European Courier. Citizen Fury and the Peace of Europe].
Robert Menasse was also the 2012 recipient of the Danube Non-Fiction Book Prize.
Information valid as of winter 2012.