Geert Gielens became the chief economist of Belfius Bank and the director of its research department in March 2014. As such he formulates his views on the economy on behalf of Belfius’ clients. Before taking on his current roles, Geert Gielens spent 15 years in Belfius’ trading room. During his time there, he was active in different markets and was, among other things, head of a trading desk, specialising in fixed income products and derivatives and with responsibility for the development of pricing tools and products based on equity and/or interest rate derivatives. Geert Gielens holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Catholic University of Leuven (1996) and he has published a number of academic articles and previously worked as a visiting professor of finance. He is also a fellow of the Hogenheuvelcollege of Leuven University’s Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences.
Information valid as of spring 2016.